Te Pari Products | Sheep Handler, Auto Weigh, Save Labor, draft

Specialist in barnequipment for sheep and goat

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Te Pari

Venostal is the official dealer of Te Pari. They are one of the market leaders in automatic weighing, sorting and handling. We like to show you how automatic weighing, sorting and registration of your sheep, goats, pigs, cattle and dairy cattle can save you time and money. Optimal and efficient animal management are what we focus on with Te Pari products. For example, you can think about automatically giving the right dose of medication based on animal weight. This way, you do not waste medication and it is also beneficial for animal welfare.

The future is here

Automatic recording, weighing and sorting is a piece of cake thanks to Te Pari's products. Save time and money with Te Pari products. Contact our specialists for more information.

Sheep handling innovations

New Zealand is seen as a breeding ground for innovation for livestock products. The Te Pari Racewells are known as the only multi-purpose animal handling systems. The system is developed on a sheep farm in 1990.

Those farmers were looking to save labour while improving efficiency. Racewell Sheep handling systems help you to reduce labour costs and increase efficiency!

Do you want to improve your flock? Do not hesitate to contact us about Te Pari Products! We can share our experience with you.

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