Te Pari Handling | Sheep Handler, Sorting, Weighing, Selectionbox, Dosing

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Home Te Pari Te Pari Racewell Sheep Handler
Te Pari Racewell Sheep Handler

The Te Pari Racewell Sheep Handler is the No. 1 machine for precision sheep management! The Racewell Sheep Handler is a highly efficient precision sheep management tool for any sheep producer. The multipurpose Racewell Sheep handling system helps you to reduce labour costs and increase profitability. Animal management tasks such as weighing, drafting and dagging are easy to do! Draft up to 3 ways using the Te Pari Racewell HD3 Sheep Handler. Drenching and tagging can be done simultaneously!

Adding efficiency to your sheep handling!

The efficient and effective treatment of your animals is closer than you think. Using the Te Pari Racewells can quickly and cost-effectively treat your animals.

It is also possible to work with Tru-Test or Gallagher scale indicators on the Racewell Auto Drafters and Sheep Handlers.

The animals can be easily auto draft up to 6 ways. An investment that will certainly pay for itself in the long term! Watch a video of a very satisfied sheep farmer.

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