Sheep and Goat Hurdles & Gates

Specialist in barnequipment for sheep and goat

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Home Sheep and Goat Hurdles & Gates
Sheep and Goat Hurdles & Gates

Our sheep and goat hurdles & gates are multifunctional and available in various designs. For example, we have several lengths and two heights, 0,85 m and 1,00 m (2' 9,46" and 3' 3,37"). The lower ones have 8 rails and the higher ones 9 rails. The sheep hurdles have horizontal bars and are lamb-proof. Our goat hurdles have vertical bars so that the goats cannot climb the fence. You can easily connect our hurdles thanks to our easy-to-connect system. Connect the hurdles with a locking pin, wall fastening or support columns. Check out our mounting materials for all the possibilities.


Is your desired length or height not listed? We also make hurdles to measure. Contact us for a free quote.

Sheep and goat hurdles that suits you!

We make various models of hurdles and gates. The hurdles are suitable for various sheep breeds and also for goats. We always take the sheep breed into consideration before selling. Furthermore, we are always interested in the purpose of our clients. What is it that you do? Meat, milk of just hobby? What do you feed the animals and why? These questions helps us to tailor the right advice and selling the products that you actually need!

Sheep and goat gates for easy handling

We have a wide variety of gates in our range. Our sheep gates make it easy to access the pen or move the sheep from one pen to another. The gates are hot-dip galvanised from the inside and outside which makes it a durable and robust solution.

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