Horizontal Rail Feed Barriers for Sheep and Goats - Veno

Specialist in barnequipment for sheep and goat

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Home Sheep and Goat Feed Barriers Horizontal rail feed barriers
Horizontal rail feed barriers

Adjustable horizontal rail feed barriers for sheep and goats. The horizontal rail is adjustable in height to give the animals easy access to the forage when the manure level rises. The horizontal rail feed barrier is suitable for animals with (small) horns. In order to reduce the feed waste you could order feeding trough. Do you want to give concentrate like pellets? Then, we recommend to order a fold-up feeding trough. The feed barriers are hot-dip galvanised and finished with treated wood. This a good protection against rust. However, manure can be very acid because of the ammonia. You can protect the zinc layer even better with a Tenco Bitumen Construction Layer.

Suitable for horned animals

The horizontal rail feed barrier is suitable for animals with (small) horns. You can adjust the horizontal rail with the raising manure. Call with our specialists for more information.

Feeding silage at feeding front

Silage can be successfully fed to sheep or goat to improve animal  performance. Transferring surplus feed to less favourable periods of feed supply. In most operations you can use silage for finishing your lambs. It can easily feed in front of the Veno feed barriers or you can use a trough.

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