Verzenden en retourneren van Hekwerk van Veno Stalinrichting

Specialist in barnequipment for sheep and goat

Need help? Phone +31 229 544100 or mail us! Prices are exclusive taxes.

Home Shipping & Returns

Shipping & Returns

Conditions shipment abroad:We make free quotation for transportation of the goods you ordered.
If you therefore agree then you will receive a proforma invoice.

After payment we will send the goods.If you place an order wait with your payment until you recieve a quote for transport cost. All prices are in Euro’s.
Prices are exclusive taxes.
Prices are exclusive transport cost.
Prices are exclusive currency translation.
Prices are exclusive customs clearance.
Prices are exclusive import taxes.

Please call or mail for more information. We invoice digital. Would you like to receive an invoice by post? Report this when you order.

If you are not satisfied with the delivered product, please contact us.

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