Goat Hurdles

Specialist in barnequipment for sheep and goat

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Home Sheep and Goat Hurdles & Gates Goat Hurdles
Goat Hurdles

Our goat hurdles are suitable for goats and have vertical bars. Ideal for making group pens for goats or for separating goats from each other. The hurdles are available in different lengths and have a standard height of 1 metre. You can easily connect the goat hurdles together thanks to our simple connecting system. You put the lugs of the hurdles over each other, insert a locking pin through them and the hurdles are linked together. All our products use the same system and can therefore always be connected together. Do you need a fixed setup? In that case, use our mounting materials such as a wall fastening or support columns.

Customised goat hurdle

Is your desired length not listed? No worries, we make the fences in our own factory in the Netherlands and can customise them for you. Contact us for the possibilities.

Solid and robust

Our hurdles for goats are robust and stable and perfect to use in the goat pen but also outside. The hurdles are hot-dip galvanised from the inside and outside. And the bars are fully welded to the tubes. We have various lenghts available for you. Make sure to contact us if your desired length is not available.

The hurdles for goats have vertical bars. There is a reason for this because we all know that goats like to climb on everything. The vertical bars prevent them from climbing. We also has special locking pins that link the hurdles together with a safety bar. Locking pin ensures that the tubes at the top of the goat fence are closed. This prevents the goats from getting their feet into the tube.

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